Monday, September 22, 2008

Tired...A week off...

I wanted a week off of cooking, packing lunches, counting guess-timate points, sorting,etc so I bought some Weight Watchers frozen meals. Do you know how free I felt to grab a box chuck it in my bag and jet out the door this morning? My goodness I can see why people like nurtisystem or Jenny Craig. Who wants to think all the time? Spend all day shopping, and then practically all day Sunday cooking? My goodness it’s exhausting! Just trying to plan a weeks worth of meals wears me out! But I think that is why WW and the like make these items you can’t always wanna make a feast for a week to stay on point. No wonder people get fed up between finding time for shopping for fresh food, cooking, going to the gym, going to the bathroom, God forbid you have a life with things like AKA and what not! So this is my week off...heck I may take month off. I dunno... I been thinking about Lapband again. I know I am sooo anti but I am also real so we'll see.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dating & Dieting

Dating while dieting ha always been my downfall...Always... Well I am dating and trying to stay on track but it is sooo hard! I jsut wanna eat and drink what I want!!!! Why do I have to count points and workout and blah, blah, blah! As you cna see I am in a mood...

Oh well I missed last week at WW my home scale says I am wayyy up but its about that time and I think my salt has been up that is not to say I have not been eating out and drinking and going to the movies and having big fun... Gotta find some balance!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Three day weekend!

Well there is nothing like a 3 day weekend to get your butt back in gear! I went to he gym on Saturday did the elliptical (affectionately known as Lippy) for 60 mins, Sunday I did Body Pump and Body Combat and Monday I rested alll day long!

Saturday I am very proud of myself for making it to the gym b/c I was out late and had a late start I went to WW at 9:30 am and I am a 7 or 8:30am meeting person.

***Updates well never made it to get my hair or brows done and my Saturday date turned into Friday night. I was accused of being very organized even though he swore it was not a bad thing (lol) so in an effort to be spontaneous I invited him out to meet me for drinks after I hung out with my girlfriends! It was nice and instead of Saturday we went out on Sunday to see the movie Traitor with Don Cheadle. Great flick! I had a good time! Monday I stayed in and had a friend over and all in all it was great 3 day weekend.

I cooked a few meals for the week and I am pretty much set. I am staying on point b/c I lost 3.4 pounds on Saturday!!! I really don't know how!!! I missed 11 days at the gym and my food was far from perfect but I guess that's a good lesson its not about perfection. I was over in points but maybe I over estimated my points and maybe I was more active that I realized! Whatever the case it made for a good weigh in!