Monday, July 21, 2008

2 Days in the life of a Core-ie

What is Core? Well WW has 2 Plans one is the tried and true Flex Points Plan and the other is the Weight Watchers Core Plan. On Core you can eat as much of the approved foods as you like as long as you eat only when you are hungry and stop eating when you are satisfied. There is no counting of calories or points involved in this plan unless you have foods not on the Core Food List. The way my old WW Leader described it is Core is anything you'd find in the Garden of Eden.
Here's some info on Core
Step1) Choose any vegetable and fruit to eat at any time of the day when you are hungry.
Step2) Eat non-creamy soup. The soup can be canned, frozen or homemade with Weight Watchers Core food item ingredients.
Step3) Consume whole wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes and as many grain products as you choose. Eat as much high fiber cereal with no added sugar as you would like until you are satisfied.
Step4) Eat lean meats such as fish, poultry or eggs. Drink only fat-free milk.
Step5) Cook with healthy oils such as canola oil and olive oil. You can also have safflower, sunflower and flaxseed oils with the Weight Watchers Core diet plan.
Step6) Drink coffee or tea without added sugar or cream. Have as much of any sugar-free beverage as you desire.
Step7) Add condiments to your food such as capers, cocktail sauce, extracts, flavorings. spices, herbs, horseradish, hot sauce, ketchup, lemon or lime juice, mustard, fat free salsa, soy sauce, steak sauce, sugar substitutes, taco sauce, teriyaki sauce, vinegar and Worcestershire sauce.

If 0 is starving and 5 is full, you want to keep yourself in the 1 to 4 position in relation to hunger.
Stop eating when you are satisfied and no longer hungry, not when you are full.

I like Core b/c its a way to eat healthy and stay on track. With the Flex points most people tend to over indulge in processed foods which can stall weight loss as someone once said to me a point isnt always a point! Think about it an apple is 1 point while a lowfat ice cream bar can be 1 point too. Now that ice cream will no doubt have more fat, sugar, and unhealthy carbs vs the nutritious apple but they are both only 1 point. Core forces your to see how many points you can "waste" on things like 100 calorie packs of candy, chips, etc. those items are fine in moderation however I have learned that for consistent weight loss I can not have them every day what works best for me is to have them a few times a week max.

Day 1 back on Core
B- 2 eggs
3 slices Canadian bacon
strawberries w/ 1 pt vanilla yogurt *
S- peach
L-Ground beef w/ tomato sauce
ww pasta
D- baked salmon
boiled cabbage and carrots
WW ice cream toffee bar *2pts

S- Puffed Wheat cereal
ff milk
Activity = 5 Points for Body Pump -3 pts for non core

Day 2 on Core 7-21-08
B- 2 eggs
3 slice Ca bacon
1 laughing cow *1 pt
S- pear
L- ground beef
ww/ pasta
mixed green salad

1 point yogurt
D-bbq spice pork chop
cabbage and carrots

No workout tonight...

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