Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hump Day

Well today feels like a Hump Day for real. My longggg commute yesterday took its toll on me I didn't get up until 6 am and I was going to catch the 6:18 bus (hummm 20 minutes south from where I live mind you lol). I somehow made it to the 6:48 am which got me to work in DC at 8am. My goal tonight is to catch either the 6:30 Spin class or the Body Combat class. I am really trying to get back into going to the gym at least 2 times a week. Since it is a 3 day weekend I have some cushion. Oh I changed my mind about going to New York so that allows me some "me time." I am hopefully going to catch a movie, workout, and have a second date with an interesting gentleman caller oh and most importantly relax!

Today is Day 2 of Dai's July Challenge I did mediate on the bus this morning and what was nice was the driver plays classical music so it helped me to really relax and focus on my breathing. As I did that I went through some Affirmations some examples are "I am strong, I am confident, I am healthy, I am smart, I am beautiful, I am a magnet and I attract healthy and happy people to me, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made." When I start my day with my I AMs I always feel better I got out of the habit of doing them but will work on that during this challenge as well.

The Pilates I will tackle when I get home from my cardio workout at the gym. The ab workout is hard! I was so tired yesterday I did not really talk about it but trust me that 10 minutes is a killer, a killer I tell you but I am looking forward to when I can do it with ease. I also have a Pilates DVD I may do that instead but we'll see either way it will get done!


Yana said...

Ah! Meditation on the bus! I used to meditate and read my daily affirmations on the MARC train. That was always a great way to start the day!

I put an affirmation on the page. I write them myself (usually) so I like to use ones that make sense for me in the moment. I'm glad that you like them!

Have a wonderful holiday!


Lawyer Gal 1908 said...

Hey Dai! I love the new one! Thanks for adding it! That Pilates is something else you earnnnnn a Pilates Body is all I can say lol
My AC broke (again) so I am waiting for it to cool off tonight to do my 10 mins!