Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back to Body Pump

Well today was my first day back to Body Pump! Eekkk! I've never been a fan of weight lifting but I have learned a lot over the past 2 years and one of the biggest lessons I've learned is weight training is the best way to lose weight and inches. I read a great book called The Cardio Free Diet. The book basically explains the importance of doing weights in order to lose weight. The catch is cardio can be damaging on the body while weights are less harmful (if done properly) and it helps create more lean muscle mass and the more lean muscle mass you build the more fat you can burn even while sleeping! Furthermore, muscles takes up less space that fat which explains why two people who weigh the same weight can wear difference clothing sizes. This website has some great articles on the topic of women and weights be sure to check it out !

My issue is cardio is fun, its entertaining and engaging...Weight lifting is not so much fun but I have found that Body Pump is a good marriage of the two best aspects of each.

Here's some info on the class
BODYPUMP It's the fastest way to shape up and lose body fat.
BODYPUMP™ is a toning and conditioning class with weights and is for just about everybody. It's perfect for both males and females who want to add strength training into their aerobic workout. The simplicity of the class makes BODYPUMP™ a great starting point to develop strength and confidence. Hot sounds and compelling choreography keep you going through each 45-minute or 1-hour workout.
What will BODYPUMP do for me?
Burn up to 600 calories per class for fat loss
Improve your strength
Improve your general fitness
Shape and tone your muscles
Improve you bone density (helps ward off osteoporosis)
Give you a sense of achievement
Yeah it does ALL that and more! I came home and did 10 minutes of Pilates my own hodgepodge of moves from the dvd and Body Flow class and I was done! It was a great weekend!!!

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