Monday, August 18, 2008

My Day of Rest

Well Sunday was the best! Simply the best I tell you! My Mom was visiting from out of town and it was a nice trip. We stayed up late watching the Olympics Saturday night (Big-Ups to all massive & crew!!!) Jamaica was showing off man! Love it!

A/w I forced myself up to take Spinning class @ 8:30am on Sunday. I made it early and did 10 mins on lippy and then Spin for 45 mins, then Body Pump for 60 minutes and then I went swimming and the best part was I chilled in the hot tub for a few and just relaxed! It was great! I can't think of a better way to spend the day! A/w I felt good, strong and focused. I love swimming and not just b/c Mike Phelps went crazy over in China taking all the gold in sight but swimming allows me to feel weightless and free and the water is so calm and cool it really allows my mind to just be free. Its a great feeling. I need to do it more often way more often.

I went out to eat at Famous Dave's with my friend, Mom & Sister and I worked really hard at staying on point and I was proud of myself in terms of other behaviors ie,. I ate slowly (in fact I was the last to finish I am usually the first), I looked up the calories before hand (that was like a treasure hunt(!!!) but it let me know what I was eating the food had wayyyyy more points than I would have ever guessed but that helped to keep me on track and not over eat), I did not have soda or juice only water with lemon and I did not have desert even though my Mom & Sister split one.

I feel strong and focused.

On the man front... humm nothing much to report the last prospect turned out to be a dud or something I can't call it. An ex came around (calling me) for about a month but when I think about it he's not what I want and he's got too much baggage and issues I deserve more...There's a new prospect and we'll just have to see how that goes :0)


xxxx said...

Good job, on planning your dining out meal. I kinda ate a little more than usual today, but it's okay. Back on track tomorrow.

Yana said...

You are so awesome! Your committment to your workouts is the best!
