Monday, August 11, 2008

Up & Down

Ok so I bought a Weight Watchers scale like 2 weeks ago and I have been weighing in almost daily. A few years ago I had to throw my scale away because it drove me crazy I was on and off like 10 times in a day, up and down, it was a bad thing. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago my Mother made a good point that she weighs in often to keep on top of her weight gain. I never thought of it like that well it was working until Saturday and I gained 4 freaking pounds wth?? A/w I weighed in this morning and I was down 4 pounds. I am on blood pressure medication, or at least I am supposed to be and I stopped taking them months ago. When I was in Body Pump my right hand felt tight so I said let me take my medication I am more than likely retaining water because I am very sensitive to salt. This is how I know that...

Last year in the spring sometime I had a super week I stayed on point and worked out every day when I went to weigh in I gained 8 pounds! I almost died literally the Weight watcher's check in lady had to talk me down off the wall and she asked me how did my week go and I told her if anything I should have lost 8 pounds not gained it and she took the time to ask me if I did anything differently food wise and I looked in my journal and I had several frozen dinners that week. Now they were in my point range and all that but she suggested cutting them out completely the next week and see what happens when I weigh in. Well I didn't even weigh in a week later (it was like 5 days) and I lost 15 POUNDS! The WW lady thought the scale was broken! lol But I knew I had lost a huge amount I could feel it. Ever since then I rarely have frozen food (meals or veggies) b/c all of our bodies react differently to sodium. In fact I know someone who was about my size when she began and all she had was Weight watchers smart ones and she dropped 100 pounds in like a year... Lucky her if only I could rely on prepackage, pre-portioned, pre- point labeled boxed food ahhhh but alas I cannot and to be honest even if I could, I wouldn't because I want to be wife and a mother one day and what am I gonna do feed them lean cuisine every night? To me that is not a lifestyle I can live with.

So a/w I got to thinking last week I had sushi twice (with soy sauce most contain over 1000 mg of sodium per tablespoon) and a lean cuisine pizza and a few other processed treats. Not bad for most people but for me its the water retention kiss of death. I know it had to be something b/c my clothing is fitting so much better and I feel smaller and sure nuff that was it. Note to self do not take yourself off of medication your Doctor gives you without her ok and cut back on the high salt food items!

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