Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Weight Loss

I been thinking long and hard about weight loss. Its been a constant companion in my life... seriously its always been there with me this idea that I should/need to/must/gotta lose weight. At different times in my life the desire or the intensity has changed but for the most part the goal has always been there with me like a long time ‘Friendenemy’ (Half friend, half enemy). I been thinking about weight loss surgery because this battle has been raging for at least 20 years and its has gotten progressively worst. I had some success in 2006-2007 when I lost 45.6 pounds but felt defeated when I regained a sizable portion of that. I have been arming my self with information (see post below) and it makes me feel ?better? to know its not all in my head that there is some science to the fact that weight loss is an uphill battle.

I went to the gym and did Body Flow last night at 7:30pm. I went home first b/c I was starving and then went... that was victory for me usually going home means staying home. The class was hard, so hard but I did it. Tonight I am going to do Body Pump last week I wanted to cry in Body Pump I felt so beat down but I am drawing a line in the sand I must pick a side Sida A) this as an actual LIFESTYLE and know I must eat right and exercise faithfully or Side B) get surgery go through that pain and cost and still have to eat right and exercise.

The choice is mine...


Yana said...

Very good points! In the end you still have the eat right and exercise.

Lawyer Gal 1908 said...

Yeah that is the only downside if you ask me (lol) I hate pain can barely deal with cramps lol